The show begins by Mitch explaining his concern with the raccoon roaming around in his backyard followed by a deep dive into a recent listener review about Hotshot. Then, they dig into their betting approach next Sunday, the Rams trade for Matt Stafford, and Griffey’s new front office MLB position. Today’s guests are former pitcher and Hammerin’ Hank’s teammate on the Braves Tom House, CBS Sports college football analyst Rick Neuheisel, and Jeff Dicks from our loyal sponsor Evergreen Gavekal. The “Other Stuff” segment covers a variety of topics including Nick Saban’s rock solid recruiting pitch, Patrick Reed’s latest rule fiasco, and a fishy lawsuit against Subway!


  • Tom House | Former MLB pitcher & teammate of Hank Aaron
  • Rick Neuheisel | CBS Sports college football analyst
  • Jeff Dicks | Evergreen Gavekal investments managing director


6:54 | Hotshot’s sports fandom is questioned by a listener which the guys analyze the validity of the claim.

28:32 | The conversation with Charlie Plumb in Episode 127 is a must listen if you haven’t had a chance to catch the interview.   

36:47 | What is your betting strategy for the Super Bowl?

39:42 | The Rams have added Matt Stafford to an already well-balanced team which makes the NFC West arms race more competitive.

47:41 | Ken Griffey Jr. landed a new gig with Major League Baseball to raise youth interest in the sport. 

56:17 | GUEST: Tom House relives the iconic moment of the late Hank Aaron’s 715th home run which he caught and the magnitude of the moment.

1:20:42 | GUEST: Rick Neuheisel shares final takeaways from the college football season and weighs in on the upcoming vacancy in the PAC12 commissioner’s chair.

1:43:15 | GUEST: Evergreen Gavekal’s managing director of investing Jeff Dicks explains the dynamics of the tumultuous week on Wall Street and the possible aftermath. 

2:04:05 | Nick Saban has a future in sales if this whole college football coaching thing doesn’t work out.

2:09:14 | Patrick Reed won the Farmers Insurance Open, but not without controversy as we’ve come to expect.

2:12:33 | Pope Francis is going to have a tough time with his newly prescribed diet of avoiding pizza and pasta.

2:14:10 | The world of college basketball said goodbye to the legendary John Chaney.   

2:18:16 | Subway is facing a lawsuit that claims their tuna sandwiches aren’t actually made with tuna.  

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