Hawks are ready to clinch. Dawgs get 1 more REAL non-conference shot. Could Washington land a couple of 5 star hoops standouts?
Jason LaCanfora (NFL on CBS) guest stars and promptly disagrees with most Seahawks fans.
Plus… Monopoly, Joltin’ Joe Flacco & the Tale of the Tape.
I listen on Google Podcasts and there is no place to review, so I’ll leave this here. Mitch on Podcast form is better than radio. Not to say the KJR show wasn’t great. But Mr. Post Season and the “peeling back the layers” …not sure if Iheart would allow for segments that long on 950. Very in depth and I look like a genius when I tell my fellow 12s that the Hawks have a .000274 (or whatever it is) chance of missing the post season. It’s nice to have you back with less commercials. Google Podcasts please get a rating feature. Until then *****